Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jonas StelzigMathematisches Institut der Universität München Email: Tel: +49 (0)89 2180 4446 Office hours: Thursday 14-16 |
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Winter 24/25
- Reading course: E-infinity algebras and Mandell's theorem (with Dr. S. Gritschacher).
- Lecture course: Topology I (with Dr. S. Gritschacher. Moodle. lsf.
Summer 24
- Exercise classes: Riemannian Geometry (Prof. D. Kotschick). Course homepage
- Reading course: Rational and p-adic homotopy theory (with Dr. S. Gritschacher).
Winter 23/24
- Exercise classes: Differential Geometry (Prof. D. Kotschick). Moodle
- Seminar: Spectral sequences (with Dr. S. Gritschacher). Moodle
- Seminar: Riemann surfaces (with Prof. D. Kotschick).
Summer 23
- Exercise classes: Geometrie und Topologie von Flächen (Prof. D. Kotschick). Moodle
Winter 22/23
- Exercise classes: Topology I (S. Gritschacher). course homepage.
- Exercise classes: Grundlagen der Mathematik I (Prof. E. Schoerner). course homepage.
Summer 22
- Lecture course: Selected topics in Complex Geometry (with Prof. D. Kotschick) course homepage
Winter 21/22
Summer 2021
- Exercise classes: Topology II (Prof. D. Kotschick)
Broadly speaking, I am interested in Geometry, Topology and Number Theory. Concretely, I currently spent most of my time thinking about (almost-)complex manifolds, in particular their cohomology, and rational homotopy theory.Publications and Preprints
- (with G. Placini and L. Zoller) Nontrivial Massey products on compact Kähler manifolds. Preprint, 2024, arxiv.
- (with A. Milivojevic and L. Zoller) Formality is preserved under domination. Preprint, 2023, arxiv.
- (with H. Kasuya) Complex non-Kähler manifolds that are cohomologically close to, or far from, being Kähler. 2023, arxiv, to appear in Math. Res. Lett.
- Pluripotential Homotopy Theory. 2023, arxiv, Adv. Math.
- (with S. Wilson) A ddc-type condition beyond the Kaehler realm. 2022, arxiv, J. Inst. Math. Jussieu.
- Some remarks on the Schweitzer complex. 2022, arxiv, Ann. Inst. Fourier.
- (with A. Milivojevic and L. Zoller) Poincare dualization and formal domination. Preprint, 2022, arxiv.
- (with A. Milivojevic) Bigraded notions of formality and Aeppli-Bott-Chern-Massey products. 2022, arxiv, to appear in Comm. Anal. Geom.
- (with D. Angella, A. Dubickas and A. Otiman) On metric and cohomological properties of Oeljeklaus-Toma manifolds. 2022, arxiv, Publ. Mat..
- (with R. Coelho and G. Placini) Maximally non-integrable almost complex structures: an h-principle and cohomological properties. 2021, arxiv, Selecta Math.
- On linear combinations of cohomological invariants of compact complex manifolds. 2021, arxiv, Adv. Math, Code.
- (with H. Kasuya) Frölicher spectral sequence and Hodge structures on the cohomology of complex parallelisable manifolds. 2020, arxiv. Transform. Groups
- (with D. Popovici and L. Ugarte) Deformations of Higher-Page Analogues of ddbar-manifolds. 2020, arxiv, Math. Z.
- (with D. Popovici and L. Ugarte) Higher-Page Bott-Chern and Aeppli Cohomologies and Applications. 2020, arxiv. J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle)
- (with D. Popovici and L. Ugarte) Higher-Page Hodge Theory of Compact Complex Manifolds. 2020, arxiv, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa, Cl. Sci.
- Toric Vector Bundles: GAGA and Hodge Theory. 2019, arxiv, Math. Z.
- On the Structure of Double Complexes. 2018, arxiv. J. London Math. Soc.
- The Double Complex of a Blow-Up. 2018, arxiv, IMRN.
Recent Workshops and Conferences
- Higher Algebra, Geometry, and Topology, May 2024, Luminy.
- Vector bundles and combinatorial algebraic geometry , October 2023, Frankfurt. Speaker.
- Analytic Methods in Complex Geometry, August 2023, Münster. Attending.
- 7th Workshop "Complex Geometry and Lie Groups", May 2023. Speaker.
- Bavarian Geometry and Topology Meeting, January 2023, Co-organizer.
- Workshop on complex geometry, September 2022, Osaka. Speaker.
- Workshop Kähler and non Kähler geometry, June 2022, Aarhus. Speaker.
- Geometry and TACoS, Recurring series of online mini-conferences. Co-organizer (until February 2021).
- Almost Complex Geometry, Mini-Workshop, October 2020, MFO. Speaker.
- Rational Homotopy Theory and Geometry, Workshop, March 2020 (postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19), LMU Munich. Co-organizer.
- Bridging the Gap between Kaehler and non-Kaehler Complex Geometry, Workshop, October 2019, BIRS, Banff. Speaker.