Mathematical modelling

Andreas M. Hinz

University of Munich

During my time at the Technical University Munich (1998-2004),
I worked as a research fellow for the SFB (Sonderforschungsbereich) 438 on Mathematical Modelling,
Simulation and Verification in Material Oriented Processes and Intelligent Systems

For an outline of the research in mathematical modelling for cranio-maxillofacial surgery, see our survey article
Development of Innovative Osteosynthesis Techniques by Numerical
and In Vitro Simulation of the Masticatory System
(with A. Neff et al.),
in: H.-J. Bungartz, R. H. W. Hoppe, C. Zenger (Eds.),
Lectures on Applied Mathematics, Springer, Berlin, 2000, p. 179-205.

First results can be found in the articles
Experimental study and numerical simulation of the mechanical behaviour of the human mandible (with H. Schieferstein et al.),
in: Proceedings of the XVIIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Zürich, 2001 (CD-ROM);
and Simulation of the elastic behaviour of the human mandible: experimental validation and material parameter identification
(with C. Clason),
in: ESAIM Proc. 12(2002), 31-33.
A full report on this project has been published under the title
A Method for Material Parameter Determination for the Human Mandible Based on Simulation and Experiment
(with C. Clason and H. Schieferstein), Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed. Engin. 7(2004), 265-276.

In connection with this program, we have won a PPP grant of the DAAD and
British Council for the project Quantitative sonography by development of efficient numerical procedures
under the leadership of Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Robert Sader (TU München and Universität Basel) and in collaboration
with Cardiff University (Cardiff, Wales).
An outline of this project is given by Quantitative sonography for bone material (with C. Clason),
in: ESAIM Proc. 12(2002), 73-74.

Under the title From Bits to Bites: Mathematical Simulations for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery,
we produced (with C. Clason) a contribution to the video production
Bubbles, Jaws, Moose Tests, and More: The Wonderful World of Numerical Simulation (H.-J. Bungartz, R.-P. Mundani, A. C. Frank (Eds.))
which appeared in 2005 in the series Video-MATH.

My further research interests cover analysis , discrete mathematics , and other topics .

Information on my courses and lectures is also available.

My coordinates are on my personal homepage .

A. M. Hinz,, 2018-09-18