Department Mathematik



Dr. Simone Rademacher

Mathematisches Institut der Universitaet Muenchen
Theresienstr. 39
D-80333 Munich


Phone:   +49 (0)89   2180 4421
Fax:  +49 (0)89   2180 4421
Office: B 331

Analysis, Mathematische Physik und Numerik



I am working in mathematical physics. I am interested in the mathematical analysis of both many-body quantum systems (such as bosonic and fermionic systems and the polaron) and their effective equations. On the one hand I am studying the mathematical description of Bose-Einstein condensates through central limit theorems and large deviation principles. On the other hand I am working on properties of the effective equations for polaron models and their derivation from the many-body quantum systems. For more details see my list of publications below.

Short CV

I completed my bachelor in physics at the University of Leipzig, and my master at the University Munich and the Technical University Munich in the frame work of the master program Theoretical and Mathematics Physics under the supervision of Heinz Siedentop. In 2019 I received my PhD at the Zurich Graduate School of Mathematics under the supervision of Benjamin Schlein. From 2019 to 2022 I was a postdoctoral fellow in the group of Robert Seiringer at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria. From 2022 to 2024 I was an interim professor at University Munich in the working group stochastics and financial mathematics. Since 2024 I am a postdoctoral researcher with Phan Thanh Nam .

For more details see my CV.

Teaching WiSe 2023/24

I am teaching the course "Stochastik". Please register through moodle for the course.


I am co-organizing the online GAuS Seminar on topics in mathematical physics, analysis and PDE together with Christoph Kehle (ETH Zurich) and Konstantin Merz (TU Braunschweig).

I am co-organizing the hybrid seminar TU-LMU young researcher seminar on topics in mathematical physics together with Lea Bossmann (LMU Munich) and Amanda Young (TU Munich).

Thematical semester "Optimal Transport on Quantum Structures"

I am co-organizing a thematical semester on Optimal transport on Quantum Structures at the Erdős Center (at the Rényi Institut in Budapest) together with Jan Maas (ISTA) Tamás Tiktos and Dániel Virosztek (Rényi Institut Budapest). In this framework we organize a School (September 19-23, 2022), a Workshop (September 26-30, 2022) and several focus events.

Research Articles

Editorial work

    Optimal transport on quantum structures
    Book in the series of Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies
    Publication date 10/2024
    Joint editorial work with Jan Maas, Tamás Tiktos and Dr. Dániel Virosztek
    Including lecture notes of Eric Carlen, Alessio Figalli, Francois Golse and Dario Trevisan

Articles for a General Audience

  • Numbers speak louder than words: A first approach to an evidence based discussion on diversity in mathematical physics
    S. Cenatiempo and S. Rademacher
    IAMP News Bulletin April 2022, pp. 41

  • Voices of women in mathematical physics: A series of five interviews
    G. Basti, C. Boccato, L. Bossmann, S. Cenatiempo, E. Giacomelli, G. Marcelli and S. Rademacher
    IAMP News Bulletin April 2022, pp. 53