CLM 2004


How to Get to Kloster Benediktbeuern

Nota bene: All information concerning departure times might change. Please check with the given webpages before travelling.

Where Is Benediktbeuern ?

Benediktbeuern is located 639m above sea level at 47°42'N and 11°24'E, approximately 40km south of Munich (München) in Bavaria. It lies on the train line from Tutzing to Kochel:

Location map

The conference takes place in the monastery (Kloster) of Benediktbeuern which you can find on the following map in field B2:

BBmap.pdf (256 kB)

Have a look at the
more detailed plan of the monastery itself. Registration takes place on Sunday 14th from 3pm until 6pm in building 12. From 6pm until 10pm the registration proceeds in the monastery restaurant; cf number 17.

For those who arrive on Monday: between 8am and 9am you can find us in house 12 having breakfast. Afterwards we are moving to the lecture hall of the meeting, which is called "Salettl", cf number 5. The event is going to be opened at 9.30am.

From Munich (Centre/Airport) to Benediktbeuern

On Sundays, e.g. 14 November 2004, you can reach Benediktbeuern only by S-Bahn and train (Regionalbahn RB) changing at Tutzing. The S-Bahn to Tutzing runs twice per hour (during the day) but the train to and from Tutzing offers only an hourly service.

On Mondays, there are other connections; for more information, you could check the following webpage:

Deutsche Bundesbahn (in English)

Wherever you start your journey, at the airport, at the station or abroad, it might be cheaper and less time consuming to buy a ticket from your departure point to Benediktbeuern.

The train from Tutzing to Benediktbeuern

leaves every hour from 7:03 until 24:03 and takes 25 minutes. Benediktbeuern is the stop after Bichl.

From the airport (Flughafen) to Tutzing:

Take at the airport the S1 (Ostbahnhof) (runs every 10min) and change at Laim to line S6 (Tutzing) (runs twice per hour). Tutzing is the terminus, so your journey might be as follows:

Airportdep 8:35 SBahn Laim arr 9:11 dep 9:16 SBahn Tutzing arr 9:56
Airportdep 8:55 SBahn Laim arr 9:31 dep 9:36 SBahn Tutzing arr 10:16
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Airportdep 22:35 SBahn Laim arr 23:11 dep 23:16 SBahn Tutzing arr 23:56
Airportdep 22:55 SBahn Laim arr 23:31 dep 23:36 SBahn Tutzing arr 24:16

In case you take (by mistake) the S8 at the airport: Don't panic ! You can go to Laim with that line as well- it just takes 10 minutes longer.

From the railway station (Hauptbahnhof Hbf) to Tutzing,

a train (Regionalbahn RB) leaves every hour from 8:32 until 23:32 and takes only 27 minutes. You do not need to change.

Certainly, there are other ways of going to Tutzing. Those who like to experiment might want to have a look at the following pages:

MVV in English

MVVnetz.pdf (400 kB)

Josef Berger Peter Schuster Klaus Thiel