Chance in Physics
- Foundations of Statistical Mechanics
- Typicality
- Arrow of Time
- Effective Dynamics of Many-Particle Systems
- Transition from Micro- to Macro-Description
- D. Dürr and S. Teufel, Bohmian Mechanics, Springer, 2009
(contains a comprehensive discussion about most of the research topics)
- J. Bricmont, D. Dürr, M.C. Galavotti, G. Ghirardi, F. Petruccione, N. Zanghi, Chance in Physics, Springer Tagungsband 1999
- P. Pickl, A simple derivation of mean field limits for quantum systems, Lett. Math. Phys. 97, 151-164 (2011) [arXiv:0907.4464]
- P. Reichert, Can a Parabolic Evolution of the Entropy of the Universe Provide the Foundation for the Second Law of Thermodynamics?, Master thesis (2012)