Autumn school "Proof and Computation", 15th to 21st September 2024

An international autumn school "Proof and Computation" will be held from 15th to 21st September 2024 at Aurachhof in Fischbachau near Munich. Its aim is to bring together young researchers in the fields of Foundations of Mathematics, Computer Science and Philosophy. Previous autumn schools in this series were PC23, PC22, PC21, PC19, PC18, PC17, PC16.




             Monday    Tuesday   Wednesday Thursday  Friday
09:00-09:50  Mainzer   Seisenb   Coquand   Jaeger    Wiedijk
09:50-10:30  *Coffee*  *Coffee*  *Coffee*  *Coffee*  *Coffee*
10:30-11:20  Coquand   Negri     Wiedijk   Seisenb   Jaeger
11:30-12:20  Jaeger    Mainzer             Groups    Groups    

15:00-15:50  Seisenb   Thies               Negri     Mainzer  
15:50-16:30  *Coffee*  *Coffee*            *Coffee*  *Coffee*
16:30-17:20  Wiedijk   Coquand             Thies     Negri   
17:30-18:20  Thies     Groups              Groups    Groups  

Working groups

There will be an opportunity to form ad-hoc groups working on specific projects, but also to discuss in more general terms the vision of constructing correct programs from proofs.

How to get there

The default arrival time is Sunday afternoon, and departure time Saturday after breakfast. There are frequent direct trains from Munich Hauptbahnhof, departing (at tracks 27-36, Bayerische Regiomalbahn BRB in the direction to Bayerischzell) for instance 15:04, 16:04, 17:04 with arrival in Fischbachau at 16:13, 17:14, 18:13. From the train station in Fischbachau it is an easy 200 meter walk to Aurachhof; see its website for directions.


Graduate or PhD students and young postdoctoral researches are invited to apply. Applications (e.g. a self-introduction including research interests and motivation) should be sent to Chuangjie Xu ( Students are required to provide a letter of recommendation, preferably from the thesis adviser. Deadline for applications: 7th June 2024. Applicants will be notified by 24th June 2024.

Financial support

The workshop is supported by the Udo Keller Stiftung (Hamburg), and the EuroProofNet of the European Commission. Successful applicants with funding problems may apply for financial support covering accommodation including meals for the days of the autumn school (ca. 144 Euro per day).

Klaus Mainzer
Peter Schuster
Helmut Schwichtenberg

Last change: 27. May 2024