Department Mathematik


Teaching in summer semester 2020 :

Algebra II :

This lecture is given in English. It consists of a collection of videos, available here:

Algebra 2

The exercises sheets, as well as more informations, are available here:

Algebra 2 exercises

The written exam took place on July, 21-st, 9:30 --> 11:30, in the room B 005.

The students who failed the exam, or couldn't write it, and want to retake it ("Nachholklausur") should register by sending me an e-mail before August, the 21-th.

This second exam should take place between September 15-th and October 15-th.
Algebra I :

Die Nachklausur Algebra I (Wintersemester 2019/20) wird am 15-te September 2020 im B005 stattfinden,
9:30 --> 11:30.

Die Anmeldung ist geschlossen.

Mehr Infos bald.

Das Programm betrifft alles was im Wintersemester 2019/2020 vorgelesen war.

Previous semesters .