Department Mathematik


Oberseminar Winter semester 2023/24
Motivic algebraic topology (N. Geldhauser and F. Morel)

Thursday 14:00 - 16:00,
Room B251

18 April : Alexey Ananyevskiy (LMU) : Motivic homotopy theory, homogeneous algebraic varieties and vector bundles
An Abstract
(Opening of Habilitation)
2 May : Anand Sawant (TIFR) : Kato complexes of reciprocity sheaves

16 May : Maxim Kontsevich (IHES) speaks in the Colloquium at 16:30:
On Grothendieck's Algebraicity Conjecture and random matrices
An abstract
31 May : Kirill Zaynullin (University of Ottawa) : Motivic Lefschetz theorem for twisted Milnor hypersurfaces
(Exceptionally on Friday at 10:00 c.t. in B 251)
An abstract
5 June : Simon Weinziel (LMU) : On the H_0^A^1 of Classifying Spaces of Algebraic Groups
Exceptionally on Wednesday at 12:00 c.t. (PhD defense)
An Abstract
6 June : Stefan Gille (University of Alberta) : Rost Nilpotenz und Ringtheorie

13 June : Marc Hoyois (University of Regensburg) : Atiyah duality for motivic spectra without A^1-invariance
An Abstract
20 June : Andrei Lavrenov (LMU) : Algebraic Morava K-theory
(Opening of Habilitation)
An Abstract
27 June : Pavel Sechin (Regensburg) : On some invertible Morava motives

4 July : Vincent Ariksoy (LMU) : Chow motives of generic quadrics
(Defense of a Master thesis).

11 July : Clemens Koppelstetter (LMU) : J-invariant of generically split varieties
(Defense of a Master thesis)

Previous seminars