Department Mathematik



Vorlesung: Mathematische Quantenmechanik II (MQM2) (SoSe 2019) [16072]

Exam Information:

Exam: Oral exam (mündliche Prüfung), 30(!) min per student.

Dates: July 29th & July 30th 2019.

Place: B 412 (office Prof. Lundholm).

Exam content/examination material (Prüfungsstoff):
Lectures (as defined by the online version of the lecture notes, including details of proofs) up until and including the last Lecture on 26th July 2019. For a basic grade the focus is on the theory however for the better grades also the problems (as given in the lecture notes and exercise sessions) could be discussed. You are allowed to bring any material you want to the exam (as support; familiarity with the material is of course expected).

Language (Sprache): The exam will be in English.

Signing up (Anmeldung): Via email from your LMU-account to
(For TU-students, see below).

Copy and paste the following and fill in all the needed data (for explanation, see end of page):










Your time slot (as agreed by email):


TU-students: Please sign up via email from your TU-account, including as much of the above information as possible and the information needed to fill out the Übungsschein ("Der / Die Studierende der ... Herr / Frau ... aus ... geboren am ... in ...").

Deadline (for signing up): 26th July 2019 12.00 (noon) (no exceptions!)

Re-exam (Nachholprüfung): Students who fail the exam on July 29th/30th (and only those) will be offered a re-exam (date to be fixed; probably in September 2019).
If you fail (on July 29th/30th) and if you want a make-up exam, then send an email to Deadline: Thursday August 1st, 12.00 (noon).

(Explanation data:
'Mtknr.' = 'Matrikulationsnummer'/Immatriculation number (LMU).
'Studiengang': Mathematik, TMP, Wirtschaftsmathematik etc.
'PO-Version': Prüfungsordnungs-version (Jahr/year) (TMP has only one).
'HF/NF': Hauptfach/Nebenfach - for which one should course count?
'Abschl.': Master or Bachelor?
'Buchungsstelle': Mathematik. Physik, TMP, anders;
'Masterstudenten geben bitte an als welches Modul die Veranstaltung verbucht werden soll'.)


Letzte Änderung: 24 July 2019

Douglas Lundholm