Department Mathematik




Derivation of the Vlasov Equation from Fermionic Many-Body Schrödinger Systems via Husimi Measure

Jinyeop Lee (Habilitationsvortrag) - Host: NN

25.04.2024 um 16:30 Uhr

Es spricht

Jinyeop Lee
(Mathematisches Institut)

im Hörsaal A 027 über das Thema

Derivation of the Vlasov Equation from Fermionic Many-Body Schrödinger Systems via Husimi Measure

Abstract: This work offers a derivation of the Vlasov equation from fermionic many-body Schrödinger systems, utilizing the Husimi measure as a connecting tool between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics. We start with an intuitive overview of the Vlasov equation, followed by a concise investigation of the many-body Schrödinger equation. The core of our discussion is about the usage of the Husimi measures to bridge these two equations. Participants will be introduced to the underlying formalism and techniques for the derivation process.