library(TSA) #see Cran-software-packages Htpres<- read.table("C:/CLIM/HoT22Res.txt",header=T) attach(Htpres) quot<- "Hohenpberg, Temp 1781-2010, Residuals from trend"; quot N<- length(Year); sde<- sqrt(var(Y)) c("Mean Y"=mean(Y),"Stdev Y"=sde,"Number Years"=N) #---------R function GARCH------------------------------------- ma<- 3; mb<- 1 ; mc<- pmax(ma,mb)+1 #Order ma,mb <= 4 c("ma"=ma, "mb"=mb, "mc"=mc) ord<- c(mb,ma) #reversed order input zgarch<- garch(Y,order=ord,maxiter=40) summary(zgarch) #a.o. diagnostic tests #---------GARCH-prediction, sigma(t) estimation--------------- "Spre GARCH-prediction for sigma(t)" Spre<- zgarch$fitted.values #$vector dim N "GARCH(p,q)-prediction, last ten values"; Spre[(N-9):N] #Shat emp. estimator for sigma(t), moving blocks of length ka ka<- 5; Shat<- rep(1,times=N) for(t in ka:N) {Shat[t]<- sqrt(var(Y[(t-ka+1):t]))} "Sigma(t)-estimation, last ten values"; Shat[(N-9):N] #----------GARCH-residuals epsilon eps(t)---------------------- res<- Y/Spre; eps<- res[mc:N] c("Mean epsilon"=mean(eps),"Stdev epsilon"=sqrt(var(eps))) racf<- acf(eps,lag.max=8,type="corr",plot=F) "Auto-correlations of GARCH-residuals epsilon"; racf$acf[1:8] #$ #--------Plot--------------------------------------------------- postscript(file="C:/CLIM/",height=6,width=16,horiz=F) cylim<-c(-1.5,1.5); ytext<- "Temperature [C]" plot(Year,Y,type="l",lty=1,xlim=c(1780,2010), ylim=cylim, xlab="Year",ylab=ytext,cex=1.3) title(main=quot) lines(Year[mc:N],Spre[mc:N],type="l",lty=1) lines(Year[mc:N],Shat[mc:N],type="l",lty=2) abline(h=c(-1,0,1),lty =3) #---- Supplement --------------------------- garchpr<- function(y,n,a,ma,b,mb,sde){ #GARCH prediction ys<- rep(sde,times=n) #vector of dim n mc<- pmax(ma,mb)+1 for (t in mc:n){ suma<- a[1]; sumb<- 0 #a[1] constant term for (m in 1:(mc-1)){ suma<- suma + a[m+1]*y[t-m]^2 sumb<- sumb + b[m]*ys[t-m]^2} ys[t]<- sqrt(suma+sumb)} return(ys) #return prediction vector ys } a<- rep(0,times=5); b<- rep(0,times=4) for (m in 1:(ma+1)) {a[m]<- zgarch$coef[m]} #$a[1] constant if (mb > 0) {for (m in 1:mb) {b[m]<-zgarch$coef[m+ma+1]}} #$ "Calculation of GARCH-prediction per user function garchpr" spre<- garchpr(Y,N,a,ma,b,mb,sde) "GARCH(p,q)-prediction, last ten values, user function" spre[(N-9):N] #spre[ ] = Spre[ ] detach(Htpres) ### rm(list=objects()) ###