Course: Partial Differential Equations II (SoSe2017)

Prof. Phan Thanh Nam, Dr. Sergey Morozov and Hongshuo Chen

Results are now available in the pin board in front of room B328. You can review your final exam at room B251, 10:00 Thursday 10 August.  You can collect your final grade certificate from Mrs. Edith Höchst, office B330.

Brief contents of lectures

Homework Sheets

General Information

Goal: We study the existence and regularity of weak solutions in Sobolev spaces. We will focus on second order elliptic equations and time-dependent Schrödinger equations.

Audience: Master students of Mathematics and Physics, TMP-Master.

Time and place:
  • Lectures: Tue & Thu 8-10 in B132
  • Exercises: Mon 16-18 in B132
  • Tutorials: Fri 12-14 in B251
Literature: A brief description of the lectures is regularly updated here.

Some excellent textbooks are
  • Lieb-Loss: Analysis, Amer. Math. Soc. 2001
  • Evans: Partial Differential Equations, Amer. Math. Soc. 2010
  • Brezis: Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations, Universitext 2011
Exercises and Turotials

Every week a homework sheet will be posted here. You can handle your solutions to Dr. Morozov in the exercise section (Monday) or bring them to Hongshuo Chen (corrector) at his office (B403). You are strongly encouraged to do the homework as it is the best way to prepare for the final exam.

The tutorial section (Friday) is provided to answer your questions and to discuss complementary materials.


Final grade is determined by your performance on homework exercises, midterm exam and final exam.
  • You can get up to 100 points from the final exam.
  • You can get a bonus of 10 points if you solve at least half of problems in homework sheets.
  • You can get a bonus of 10 points if you solve at least half of problems in midterm exam.
You need 50 points to pass and 85 points to get the final grade 1.0.

  • You can bring your notes, including the homework sheets and their solutions. Electronic devices are not allowed. 
  • You can use all results stated in the lectures and the homework sheets.
  • Please bring your identity and your student card.