Prof. Morel

Wintersemester 2015/2016

Motivische algebraische Topologie

Donnerstag 14:00/16:00, B 252

22 Oktober : Fabien Morel : The weak homotopy invariance for the homology of SL2 (I)
29 Oktober : Tom Bachmann : Weight Structures and the Motives of Affine Quadrics
5 November : Fabien Morel : The weak homotopy invariance for the homology of SL2 (II)
12 November : Graeme Segal (Oxford University) spricht im Kolloquium : The positivity of energy in quantum field theory
19 November : Tom Bachmann : Weight Structures and the Motives of Affine Quadrics (II)
26 November : Ausnahmsweise um 14:00 s.t. :
Olivier Haution (Habilitationskolloquium) : Ganzheitseigenschaften algebraischer Zykel

10 Dezember : Jean Lannes (Universit\'e Paris 7) spricht im Kolloquium : Hecke operators for even unimodular lattices
Ausnahmsweise am 14 Dezember : Roland Lötscher (Habilitationskolloquium) : Torsors, Gerbes, Stacks and
their Essential and Canonical Dimension, um 16:30 in Zimmer B251.
17 Dezember : Nikita Semenov : Equivariant motives of flag varieties and representations of Hecke-type algebras
14 Januar : Nikita Semenov : Equivariant motives of flag varieties and representations of Hecke-type algebras (II)
21 Januar : Anand Sawant : A1-connectedness in reductive groups
28 Januar : Maksim Zhykhovich : Hasse principle for Rost motives
Previous Seminars.