Department Mathematik



Prof. Dr. Mark Hamilton

Lecture: Riemann surfaces

Riemann surfaces are complex 1-dimensional manifolds. They are the simplest non-trivial objects of complex algebraic geometry. This lecture is an introduction to the theory of Riemann surfaces.

Some of the topics are: Definitions and basic properties. Constructions of Riemann surfaces and coverings. Sheaves and cohomology. Divisors, the Riemann-Roch Theorem and Serre duality. Differential forms and Abel's Theorem.

  • Time and place: Tue, Thu 12-14, HS A 027
  • First lecture: April 25, 2017
  • Prior knowledge: Complex analysis I. Some background knowledge in algebra, topology or differential geometry is helpful.


  • Exercise class: Mo 16-18, HS A 027 (Danu Thung)
  • First exercise class: May 8, 2017

Exercise sheets


Some references are (further references will be provided during the lecture):

  • O. Forster: Lectures on Riemann Surfaces. Springer Verlag
  • S. Donaldson: Riemann surfaces. Oxford University Press
  • R. C. Gunning: Lectures on Riemann Surfaces. Mathematical Notes. Princeton University Press