Department Mathematik



Lecture: What is wrong with Quantum Mechanics?

Sergey Aristarkhov

Special lecture on Wednesday, 19th of December 2018 in room C113.

Title: What is wrong with Quantum Mechanics? (The lecture on the fundamental problems of quantum mechanics from the research group Mathematical Foundation of Physics)

Abstract: WThere is an ongoing debate about the meaning of quantum mechanics. Why? Why did Einstein, Schrödinger and many high class physicists think that QM is incomplete. What is the point of Schrödinger’s cat? What is the measurement problem? What does the famous Bells inequality imply? Does reality exist before we make a measurement? Who counts as a measurer? These and other fundamental questions bother almost every physicist already during her first course on quantum mechanics. Nevertheless the principle "Shut up and calculate" calling upon us to forget these questions and do "real stuff" is nowadays the most popular position in the physics community. In our group we think that those questions are too interesting and important to ignore them. In our Christmas lecture we would like to discuss them with you and to present you the state of the art in the corresponding field of research: The fundamental problems of quantum mechanics.